Anyone singing along to the Iowa Corn Song? It was running through my head the entire time we were visiting there. We drove alongside field after field of corn in various stages of readiness for harvesting. Scattered between the fields were wind farms with blades in motion. What a site. As we crossed into Iowa there was a sign informing us that we were in the Silo and Smokestacks National Heritage Area; a designation.. Read More
Shared a rental house on lovely Minnehaha Parkway with dear friends. Spent lots of late night into early morning hours catching up and revisiting past adventures. Did serious damage to our stash of Trader Joe’s wine and Wasabi Trex Mix (highly addictive and highly recommended). Below are some photos of highlights. What I did not get photos of is our evening at Chanhassen Dinner Theater enjoying Hello, Dolly! and a delicious meal of (what else??).. Read More
Lake City Highlights
It has been an eventful five days. Saw lots of family members, ate, attended two class reunion parties, ate, enjoyed a local fall festival, ate, played bingo with mom, ate, took in a couple of tourist attractions, ate. Now wondering if the things I packed to wear on the remaining 7 weeks of this trip will even fit me. Biggest surprise: reminders of high school antics that I had forgotten about. Some of my classmates.. Read More
Days 2 & 3 – Destination 1 Reached
Most of the past two days have been pretty uneventful. We covered about 900 miles, much of it through South Dakota; which I can tell you is about 415 miles from edge to edge. (See what sort of statistic a person starts to notice when riding in a car for hours on end?) Based on our observations, there is an extraordinary amount of road work being done. We have taken four major road trips in.. Read More
Fall 2014 Road Trip – Day 1
Reno to Salt Lake City. 520 miles, 8 hours. One stop for gas, a Subway chopped salad, and a walk for Gus.
Reno Reads
This morning I happily participated in Historic Reno Preservation Society’s walking tour, Literary Reno. We spent a delightful 2 hours learning about authors and their portrayal of life in The Biggest Little City. Many of the stories focus on the darker side, which makes sense because good stories need that sort of compelling drama. In many of the stories the setting is such a big part of the narrative that it becomes almost a character unto itself… Read More
A Saturday evening to look forward to
My Bob and I are big fans of Tournant Pop-Up Restaurant opportunities. We have been on board with this adventure since it’s inaugural offering on New Year’s Eve 2013. Some of the best food I have ever eaten has come from them. Each dinner has its own theme and highlights: 1920’s speakeasy with craft cocktails to match each course, Quentin Tarentino movies in a seafood warehouse, Wizard of Oz and a spring menu at an environmental school.. Read More
Balloon Races 2014
It takes a very special event to get me up, dressed, and out of the house at 4am. But Reno Balloon Races are worth it!
Lending Support
Reno Bike Project hosted a fundraiser at Sundance Books. Almost looks more like a Virginia setting than Reno, but Reno it is. And within walking distance from our house. Lovely way to enjoy a Thursday evening.
Looking for Happiness???
At last! Some science to back up a belief that our family has always held: