Always on the Verge

Reflections and connections of a life-long learner.

Balloon Races 2014

It takes a very special event to get me up, dressed, and out of the house at 4am.  But Reno Balloon Races are worth it!

Glow patrol. Beautiful!
Darth Vader makes an appearance.
Darth Vader makes an appearance.
The adorable fish.  They do a fancy maneuver and have them kiss.  Charming.
The adorable fish. They do a fancy maneuver and have them kiss. Charming.
Anyone want to join us for next year's festivities?
Anyone want to join us for next year’s festivities?

Lending Support

Reno Bike Project hosted a fundraiser at Sundance Books. Almost looks more like a Virginia setting than Reno, but Reno it is.  And within walking distance from our house. Lovely way to enjoy a Thursday evening.
