It takes a very special event to get me up, dressed, and out of the house at 4am. But Reno Balloon Races are worth it!

It takes a very special event to get me up, dressed, and out of the house at 4am. But Reno Balloon Races are worth it!
Reno Bike Project hosted a fundraiser at Sundance Books. Almost looks more like a Virginia setting than Reno, but Reno it is. And within walking distance from our house. Lovely way to enjoy a Thursday evening.
At last! Some science to back up a belief that our family has always held:
I just came back from Costco, and the guy who was checking me out saw my reusable totes and commented: “Gee, I don’t even know how to pack into bags anymore.” Silly me, I didn’t even realize this was a skill you could forget.
And while I am on this topic, why is it that the Walmart checkers put 2-3 things in a store bag and send you out the door with tons of plastic but try to cram your whole order into one reusable bag that is impossible to carry.? Maybe ALL checkers need Bagging 101.
I have been threatening to begin a blog for quite some time; and, with a major road trip on our agenda, I figured the time was now. I will be sharing our adventures and offering some insights and perspectives. Hope you enjoy the ride!